FaMiLy*SaNtA ClAuSe*FrIeNdS*GrEaT fOoD
Christmas was great this year! We went to Phoenix and had Christmas with Andrew's family. We got spoiled as usual. Our trip was jammed full of visiting with family and friends!
SaNtA bRoUgHt StOcKiNgS fOr AlL!
It'S sO ExCiTiNg! WhAt Is It HoNeY?
Even though we were gone I still felt the need to decorate our house. It just isn't the same without a Christmas tree in your own house. My family was all split up this year. Mom went to Delaware with her family (mom, dad, sister, sis-in-law, nieces etc), dad stayed home with our puppy and Seth and Brandi stayed in Denver. Mom and dad celebrated Christmas at our house today. It's kind of fun getting to do Christmas twice! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
OuR nEw ChRiStMaS oRnAmEnT fRoM ReAl DeAlS!
(Do you all have a Real Deals near you? If so, I highly recommend it. Great home decor for CHEAP! This little guy was a whopping $1.50!)
ThE pRiNgLe ChRiStMaS tReE!