That's right! Andrew and I went to Sizzler last night. For some reason I had always held Sizzler on a little higher pedestal than we experienced last night. We were going to get the salad bar (8.99) but they had a "special" where you could add ranch steak and a potato for $1.00 more. So of course we did it! Lets just say I don't think we'll be returning there anytime soon! The food was OK, nothing horrible, but my childhood memory was of this really great place that you were SO lucky to get go to! I guess when your options are to eat out at McDonalds or Sizzler, Sizzler looks pretty grand! That's what i get for being born in a tiny little town in Idaho. Thanks for taking me out to dinner honey!!! :) Next time we'll keep childhood memories as just that!
lake powell
7 years ago