Andrew and I bought a house! This isn't the best picture but you get the drift. We don't close on it until mid October so cross your fingers that everything goes smoothly. It only took about 3 weeks to find our home but it felt like an eternity. We originally found a home down by the river that we were so excited about. We made an offer and it was a smoking deal. The house was in short sale (pre-foreclosure) and it just happened that the bank I work for owned it which is against the code of ethics so we had to pull our contract. THEN, we found another home (in the same neighborhood as the one we bought) but someone made an offer before we could. So last week while I was in Spokane on business I received a notification of this house. I called Andrew at 5:30am the next morning and asked him to go look at it. He went that day and really liked it so we made an offer (without me seeing it). What a brave wife I am huh? Anyway, it all worked out and we received an accepted contract last week. We're so excited and can't wait for October to get here!
lake powell
7 years ago