Friday, April 3, 2009

The Time Has Come!

Weight Watchers, here I come! The time has come to lose a little junk in the trunk. Since the wedding last year I have slowly put on a couple (ok, maybe more than a couple) ounces (ok, pounds). About four years ago I did weight watchers and did great! I lost about 17lbs. While I haven't gained ALL of it back (less than 10), I have gained enough back to make me uncomfortable....again! Tomorrow at 10am starts the new lifestyle. I'm very excited and can't wait to get back on the journey. I've tried my own "diet" of counting calories, cutting out certain things. Nothing works better than the weight watchers program. And no, they are not paying me to exploit their great program. I'm a true fan!! If you are interested in some great recipes, go to All of the recipes are weight watchers friendly! Stay tuned for more updates!

Update: As of 5/23/09 - I've lost 5.4 lbs! Hooray. 5 down, 10 to go!

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